I was born in a time when the world was new. Discovery was a goal, hope was unspoiled, and people worked hard to attain their dreams. I found myself wanting to be part of it all, to know everything. And in doing so, I have been to the top of the highest mountain, to the bottom of the deepest sea, and to the edges of the darkest space. I have slept on the dank floor of mud huts in a South American Rain Forest, watched the twisting, green trail lights of the Aurora Borealis under a frigid arctic sky. I was here at the birth of the computer and of its children, the internet, and social media. And I’ll be here for all that’s to come.

My job on this earth is to document my journey for the masses as a source of knowledge, entertainment, stress-relief, humor, and fun. So, I hope you enjoy the retelling of my life, such as it is.

Memento, quocumque ieris, ibi es.